Hats and forms. My journey with hatmaking has just started. So if anybody has a comment or sugestion or indeed a correction to what I have been saying please comment freely!
First of all the hat form I have purchased from Wollknoll (price 32 euro)
- bit pricey for the material used (it is a thick form of plastic similar to the one used in plastic fuzzy drinks bottles.
- the stand that comes with a hat is poorly made from playwood, but also screws can come out (in wet environment I assume that plywood coud soak up all water, but note I have not checked that)
The form could be prone to cracking if it is pushed on the wooden stand. When I have ordered my hat I had received a cracked form and apparently it happened in transport. So I assume that this hat form is not right great if one wants to finish their hat or creases in washing machine. So at the moment the hat form is out.
WinghamWoolwork hat (price 13 pounds)
At the moment I could recommend Wingham's hat forms. I have no clue whether you can put it in the washing machine etc but the price is very encouraging and I will be definitely buying more. Note. this review is independent from the influence of the owner of Wingham, in fact some of you may have noticed a few incidents and dissapointments I have had with Wingham. However this time the hat is a winner!
Yesterday night I was finishing the brooches for the craft fair, the candles were burning in the kitchen and my friend was finishing her essay (while I was helping out in terms of translation).
I have made this hat using clamp resist and leftower dyes. I have dipped it repeatedly in hot and cold water to secure the design. Then i have added yellow overtones to it and left to dry. I am thinking about using shellac to secure and strengthen it. Have you got any particular good brands in mind?
Hi Kate
Please don't think I think there is only one way to make a hat, but would never put my blocks into the washing machine. For one they are wood in my case but also I use the block as an indication of how I'm going size wise and then at the end I stretch and shape the hat on the form once it is fully felted. I make pleats or hold things in place with pins etc till it is dry and the shapes are permanent. The shape is really pre determined for me by the original template.
Great blog by the way, love the finger puppets!
Thanks Pam
I was thinking that putting the block in the washing machine is a great way to secure the pleats without the hard manual work.
I will keep you posted.
Hi Kate! I'm from Argentina,so please pardon my english. I love your work! I wanted to ask you what do you mean when you say 'leftower dye' Thank you!
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